Monday, September 9, 2013


I am clearly not good at daily updates, and I'm honestly not sure who reads them! However, I need to share that I FINALLY LOST 10 POUNDS!! Yep, 10! I'm feeling good and pressing on! Taking it one day at a time.

Monday, September 2, 2013


Part of the HCG diet is that it really helps curve your cravings for carbs and sweets. It definitely curves the appetite and reduces the cravings for carbs but sweets on the other hand, I still find myself wanting chocolate, wanting something sweet. Carbs on the other hand, I am okay without. I love bread, I love rice, I'm a huge fan of pasta but on this diet, I am okay with saying NO! Tonight for dinner we made hamburgers with no bun, for lunch sandwiches with no bread. It's actually refreshing to see that I can do this without the carbs, I am okay with out the bread. It's definitely a life change that I needed to make! 

Now the sweets..... I still need a taste every now and then! 

Day9 and 10

Day 9: -.6 lbs
Day 10: -1.4lbs

I think I have found the key and I'm in the groove! I know that around the corner somewhere is a stall in this weight loss, but until then, I am so happy it is going this well. I thought for sure that going to the beach would cause a problem and be hard for me, but the truth is, it may have been easier than being at home. We ate in pretty much every meal and even when we went out for lunch, some of my favorite dishes are salads, so I was set!

The normal HCG protocol is 500 calories a day but I have been sticking at about 800 calories a day. Still eating the foods listed in the 500 protocol but occasionally breaking a little bit by adding a slice of low fat cheese or a hershey kiss when I feel the need for chocolate. Let's hope tomorrow is just as good as today!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Let's Play Catch Up- Day 6/7/8

The scale has been kind to me for the last few days!!! 

Day 6- down .2 (yes only a slight loss but still a loss!)
Day 7 - down .4 
Day 8- down .6

Small loss but still a loss each day and I am good with it! It is getting a little easier to just say no to the things I love, but I’m still no easy task.Last night we went to one of my favorite restaurants on  Kiawah, Cassique. They have the best bread and butter and the best chocolate cake. It is always a treat to go there. Last night I didn’t eat one piece of bread, not one! I didn’t feel the need to order the cake, and I didn’t get the whipped potatoes that everyone at the table normally loves. Instead I ate some steak and mushrooms with a few tomato slices to start. It was refreshing to know that I can actually do this! 
When I got home I did want a taste of chocolate and opted for one small Hershey kiss, I think that’s much better than a piece of chocolate cake. 

I have also learned that I  do better when I plan ahead and pack a lunch or a snack. Today Todd and I had to make a quick day trip to Bluffton, South Carolina. I knew this would be a weak spot for me, I love checking out restaurants when I go out of town, but last night I made the decision to pack a lunch for Todd and myself that way we could avoid trying to eat out while down there. Little did I know the place we were visiting had bagels laying out! I will say, I had half of a half of a plain bagel, so really two bites. I’ll be honest, I was partly hungry and partly really wanting a bagel. I then slapped myself and got right back on track with a bottle of water, 4 oz of Blazing buffalo lunch meat and 1 cucumber. Hoping to continue to be good..... one day at a time! 

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Day 5 HCG

Stepped on the scale this morning to see a 1.2 lb loss! YES!!!! So excited by this! I feel really good through the day, as long as I plan ahead and stay prepared I can stay the course. We did end up eating at Rae's again today, which meant I did have a little oil in my salad dressing and I may have had literally 5 plain m&ms but other than that, I did good. Apples, chicken and salad!

Day 4 HCG

Tuesday day 4 of HCG was a little easier! First of all I was down 2.6 lbs! Which was great because I wanted to see the scale more, at least a little! 

 I packed my lunch, turkey, cucumber, organic girl super greens with NO dressing(awful by the way), and an apple. The slip up for the days was a few plain m&ms at the office and a Rae's salad! I kept off the croutons and it didn't have any cheese, but the dressing had oil in it so not sure how that's going to affect the scale! 

I felt more motivated yesterday and it felt much easier to stay in track! Hoping to another loss! 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Hello Diet....It's me....AGAIN!

I used to blog about my weight loss journey on my family blog, but then I got to thinking.... some people that enjoy reading about my family could probably care less about my diets and weight loss. However I love hearing about inspiring stories of people overcoming life long bad eating habits and working hard to reach their goals. So I figure someone might like to share in my journey. I would also love the feed back and someone to help keep me honest, because!

After seeing the success my husband had, I knew I wanted to give the HCG diet another go round. This time.... more focused!

DAY ONE and DAY TWO:  Saturday August 24th-25th: LOAD DAYS! Loved eating endless helpings of fried pickles, pancakes, bacon, doughnuts and all the chocolate a girl could have asked for. I ate so much, I actually felt sick and was ready to not eat crap!

DAY THREE: Monday August 26th: I really wanted to follow a strict diet on day one of the actual low calorie diet, but it was hard. I was tempted by Chilis and take out pizza! Oh and I forgot to throw out all that chocolate last night. I don't think I did to bad, but I really could have done better, maybe without eating that piece of crust! First days are supposed to be easy, but for some reason I was not mentally prepared for this in the way I needed to be. I am not giving up!

I REFUSE to stay at this weight! I will not run anymore half marathons at this weight, I have to do something! I have said this before, I have tried diets before. I really want this though! I have never wanted it this bad! Please join me on this journey!  I would love feedback, motivation, workout tips......ANYTHING! I just have to get my butt moving in the right direction.